16 October 2024
from 14:00
to 16:00
MCQST Colloquium | Philip Kim (Harvard University)
Address / Location
MPI of Quantum Optics | Herbert Walther Lecture Hall
Hans-Kopferman-Straße 1
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The MCQST Colloquium Series features interdisciplinary talks given by visiting international speakers. The monthly colloquium covers topics spanning all
MCQST research units and will be broadcast live via Zoom for audiences worldwide. The main goal of the series is to create the framework for idea exchange, to strengthen links with QST leading groups worldwide, as well as to act as an integral part of the local educational environment.
MCQST Colloquium: Philip Kim – Distinguished Lecturer
We are excited to invite you to the colloquium talk by this year's Distinguished Lecturer Philip Kim of Harvard University, USA.
14:00 | Teaser talk by Giorgio Di Battista (LMU) on "Infrared Single-Photon Detection with Superconducting Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene"
14:15 | Coffee break
14:30 | Colloquium talk by Philip Kim on “Searching for Anyon in Quantum Materials”
Searching for Anyon in Quantum Materials
The search for anyons, quasiparticles with fractional charge and exotic exchange statistics, has inspired decades of condensed matter research. Moreover, it has been predicted that exchange braiding of these particles, especially non-abelian anyons, can produce topologically protected logic operations that can serve as building blocks for fault-tolerant quantum computing. In this talk, I will discuss the progress of research on two quantum materials platforms to realize these exotic particles. In the first example, we will discuss anyons arising in fractional quantum Hall (FQH) effects, using quantum Hall interferometers for direct observation of the anyon braiding phase around a confined cavity. In the second example, we will discuss our recent experimental efforts to realize non-abelian anyons in proximitized topological insulator surfaces by controlled manipulation of magnetic vortices containing non-abelian anyons.
About Philip Kim

Professor Kim is a world leading scientist in the area of materials research. His research area is experimental condensed matter physics with an emphasis on physical properties and applications of nanoscale low-dimensional materials. The focus of Prof. Kim’s group research is the mesoscopic investigation of transport phenomena, particularly, electric, thermal and thermoelectrical properties of low dimensional nanoscale materials.
Professor Kim published more than 250 papers in professional journals which are well cited. Professor Kim also received numerous honors and award including Benjamin Franklin Medal in Physics (2023); Tomassoni-Chisesi Prizes (2018), Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship (2018), Oliver E. Buckley Prize (2014), Loeb Lectureship, Harvard (2012); Dresden Barkhausen Award (2011); IBM Faculty Award (2009); Ho-Am Science Prize (2008); American Physical Society Fellow (2007); Columbia University Distinguished Faculty Award (2007); Recipient Scientific American 50 (2006).
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Meeting ID: 614 2637 2835
Passcode: mcqst2025